Saturday, October 13, 2007


The planets have aligned in such a way that I have three exams on Tuesday: skeletal and muscular systems in human anatomy, CPR and airways in EMT, and the urinary system in medical terminology. Add studying for all three to the ever-growing pile of laundry, the fact that I haven't been grocery shopping in almost two weeks, and plans to attend a retirement party for one of Kevin's coworkers this afternoon and I am one busy chick.

I had hopes of finishing a sock today. It's been on hold while I knit some cold-weather gear for my 3-month-old niece, but now my Harmony needles from Knit Picks are calling to me. They're a happy medium between the not-slippery-enough birch needles and the too-slippery metal needles already in my possession. Hopefully I can find a few minutes to scratch this itch. . .

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